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Senin, 29 Maret 2010


(SKL no. 3)


Short Message merupakan teks fungsional yang muncul dalam UN, termasuk SKL UN no.3.
Short Message adalah text yang berisi pesan pendek. Pesan Pendek dapat dibagi
menjadi 3 jenis:

1. Short Message : Pesan Pendek, yang bentuknya seperti surat, tetapi tidak ada pembukaan dan penutupan. Isi dan kalimatnya sangat singkat berisi pokok/inti pesan.
Biasanya Short Message ini bersifat pribadi /private/personal.

Contoh Short Message:

To: Juan
Hi…How R U Juan? Could U come to my house to do our assignment of Math? I’ll wait you at 7 pm. Call me if U can’t come. Tks.

2. Memo : Pesan pendek yang bentuknya agak berbeda dengan pesan
pendek, meskipun memo juga berisi pesan yang kalimatnya
singkat. Biasanya memo digunakan dalam urusan pekerjaan atau

Contoh Memo:

To : Liana (Personalia Manager)
From : Mr. Juan (Director)
Date : Friday, June 4th 2008
Subject : Staff Meeting
Tell to all staffs that the meeting will be delayed until tomorrow. I’ll inform you the fixed time soon. Thanks.

Miss. Rita

Sender (pengirim) memo tersebut : Mr. Juan
Receiver ( penerima) : Liana
Writer (penulis) memo tersebut : Miss. Rita.

Catatan: Penulis dan pengirim memo bisa orang yang sama tetapi bisa juga orang yang berbeda, andai saja pengirim memo tersebut meminta bantuan orang lain untuk menulis dan menyampaikan memo tersebut.

3. SMS ( Short Message Services) : Pesan pendek yang dikirim melalui Telephon sellular, sehingga dalam pesan tersebut muncul nama/nomor telpon pengirim dan waktu pengiriman.
Contoh SMS:

2. 13. am
I can’t accompany you to go window Shopping in Malioboro. I don’t feel better today.
Maybe any other time. Sorry.

Pertanyaan yang biasanya muncul dalam Short Message:

A. Sender/writer dan receiver : Pengirim/penulis dan penerima pesan
- Who is the sender of the message?
- Who is the message for?
- Who is the receiver of the memo?
- Who is the message from?
- who wrote the memo?

B. The content of the Message: Isi Pesan
- The text is about….
- What is the content of the message?
- The message talks about…..

C. Reference: Kata ganti yang terdapat dalam pesan tersebut. (lihat BAB 2 tentang
- What does the word “us” refers to?
- The word “those” refers to……


Sender: Andy
Tuesday, 13th June, 2009
09.45 a.m.
Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She's just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.

1. According to the short message above, Andy and Boby are going to have a picnic on .....
A. Sunday C. Tuesday
B. Monday D. Wednesday
2. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To invite someone to have a picnic
B To tell the plan of having a trip
C. To ask someone to join a vacation
D. To inform someone about the changing of picnic time
(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 24,25)


24. D

25. D



Text for no 1-2

To : Mindo
From : Deka
Date : Feb 5th, 2009
Your sport teacher asked you to inform to all
“footsal” players that there will be
the last exhibition at the sport hall
this afternoon at 2.

1."Your sport teacher asked you to inform to ...."
What does the word you refer to?
A. Deka
B. Mindo
C. sport teacher
D. basket-ball player

2. Who is Mindo?
A. One of the “footsal” players
B. The sport teacher
C. Deka’s teacher
D. The sport coach

Text for no 3-4
Dear Catrhine,
My sister and I think we are very ugly. People say that we have flat noses. We are thinking of having plastic surgery to add the size of our noses. What do you think? Should we have the operation? Should we talk to someone first? Or should we just hang out with other unattractive people in town?

Mary and Diana

3. Why do the writers write the text?
A. To ask for suggestion related to their
B. To tell Mary that they have a big
C. To share their plan of having plastic
D. To give information that they have flat

4. From the content of the letter we can infer
that Catrhine is ...
A. Mary and Diana’s family doctor ,
B. a teacher of a medical school in
C. one of mary and Diana’s close
D. health problem page counselor of
a magazine

Text for no 5-7
Internal Memo
To : Putri
From : Dwi
Subject : Get the CD
I am in a hurry to catch the bus. It's quite late. I'm still burning CDs in the teacher's computer.
Please, wait the process and keep all the burnt CDs with you. There are 5 CDs more to burn. Don't forget shutting down the computer and disconnect the electric lines.
Thanks a lot.

5. What should Putri do after reading the
A. Wait the burning process and keep
all burnt CDs.
B. Unplug the cable power of the
C. Keep the CDs and catch the bus
D. Shut down the electric lines.

6. Which statement is CORRECT based on the
memo above?
A. There was one CD to burn in the
teacher's computer.
B. Putri sent a message to Dwi to
burn CDs.
C. Putri was quite late to burn the
D. Dwi was quite late to catch the bus

7. The word “you” in the text refers to……..
A. reader
B. writer
C. Putri
D. Dwi

Text for no 8-10
Dear Olive,
Sorry for leaving very early this morning. Grandma called that she felt unwell so we decided to see her immediately. You have no class today, right? Prepare your own breakfast. We'll call you as soon as possible. Don't forget to pray for grandma.
Love,Mom & Dad

8. Who felt unwell?
A. Olive
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Grandma

9. Her mother asked Olive ....
A. not to have a class
B. to prepare the breakfast for them
C. to pray for her grandmother
D. to call her mother as soon as

10. The word “immediately” has similar
meaning to……
A. early
B. soon
C. suddenly
D. quickly

Text for no 11-13
Andy 081223467342
Tuesday, 13th June, 2009 09.45 a.m.
Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs Sendy because of the heavy rain. Her secretary has just phoned me about it
She's just formed me the picnic will be done tomorrow.

11. According to the short message above,
Andy and Boby are going to have a
picnic on ...
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday

12. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To invite someone to have a picnic.
B. To ask someone to join a vacation.
C. To tell the plan of having a trip.
D. To inform someone about the changing
of picnic time
13. The receiver of the memo is…..
A. Bobby
B. Andi
C. Mrs. Sendy
D. Her secretary

Text for no 14-15
Careen don’t forget to pick up your sister at Mandiri English Course at 5.00 pm.
Mom and Dad will be home late. Thanks.

14. What is the message about?
A. Going home late
B. Picking up a sister
C. Parents’ business
D. Taking care of a house

15. Careen should pick up her sister…
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night

Text for no 16-17
Phone Message
To : Johan
From : Ryan
Message : Come to Ryan’s house at 19.00
to do the English assignments with Ratna
16.. ……. Made a phone call.
A. Johan
B. Ratna
C. Ryan
D. Benny

17. At 19.00 means……
A. at 07.00 am
B. at 07.00 pm
C. at 19.00 am
D. at 19.00 pm.

Text for no 18-19
Please come to school tomorrow afternoon
at 4. We’ll make our wall magazine.
Take your short story and poetry with you.
Olivia: +6281804325120

18. Which is not Olivia’s message to Aulia?
A. to come to school tomorrow
B. to make wall magazine at home
C. to take short story to school
D. to take the poetry to school
19. From the text we know that people have to
come to school at…..
A. at 4.00 am
B. at 4.00 pm
C. at four in the night
D. at 4 today

Text for no 20-22
For all the class chairmen

We will have a meeting on Sunday at 10.00 am-12.00 am in Class 8A. We’d like to discuss our plan about class meeting next week.
Please, come on time !

20. The announcement above is about …
A. having a meeting
B. discussing a plan
C. planning the class meeting
D. having activity on Sunday

21. They will have a meeting ……, except:
A. on Sunday
B. next week
C. in the morning
D. in Class VIII

22. The synonym of the word “on time” is….
A. late
B. punctual
C. quickly
D. slowly

Text for no 23.
Dear Artika,
Are you free after computer class this afternoon?
if you are, would you go with me to the Mall?
We could do some window shopping.


23. The best reply of the memo above is …

A. To Yolanda

I am sorry, I cannot take a computer
class with this afternoon. I have to
accompany my mother to go
shopping in Galeria Mall
B. To Yolanda

I I am sorry, I cannot go window
shopping with you. I don’t feel like
doing anything after the computer
class this afternoon. May be some
other time.

C. To Yolanda

Ok, I can go window shopping with
I don’t feel like doing anything after
the computer class this afternoon.
Thank you.

D. To Yolanda

I am sorry, I cannot go to your
house this afternoon. I’ll go to
my family to other City with my

Text for no 24-25
Wawan, please send your proposal and your CV completed with recent photos and supporter documents, not later than January 28, 2009. Thanks.
From: +628170546754/Mr Ruli
21/01/2009 7.30 am

24. The message means ....
A. Wawan promises to send his proposal
B. Mr Ruli sends the proposal to Wawan
C. Mr Ruli asks Wawan to send his proposal
D. Wawan reminds Mr Ruly to send his proposal

25. The receiver of the “sms” above is…..
A. Mr. Ruli
B. Wawan
C. Writer
D. Reader


Text for no 1-3

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2009
09.00 a.m.
To : Mr. Kusmatoro/Personal Manager
From : Mr. Hans/08122767854
The meeting today is delayed. It will be held tomorrow at 2 pm. Call him for confirmation.
Your secretary,

1. The message is for …
A. Mr. Kusmantoro
B. Nabila
C. Mr Hans
D. The secretary

2. The word “your secretary’ refers to…
A. writer’s secretary
B. reader’s secretary
C. Mr. Hans
D. Mr. Kusmantoro

3. The word “delayed’ has the same meaning
A. cancelled
B. postponed
C. confirmed
D. taken place

Text for no 4-5
Dear Sister,
Mr. Joe from Jogja International School called you. He would like to see you today at 2 pm. He asked me to tell you to go to his office and bring your teaching file.

4. According to the memo above, who made a
telephone call?
A. Kaka
B. Mr. Joe
C. Kaka’s sister
D. Staff of Jogja International School

5. The word “you” in the text refers to…..
A. My sister
B. Kaka’s’s sister
C. Mr. Joe
D. Mr. Joe’s sister.
Text for no 6-7
Mala, today is the last preparation for web competition. Come to school soon and bring your design. Anton and Ikbal have been here. (Gaga)


6. What should Mala do at school ?
A. Collecting web design
B. Sending a web design
C. Preparing for web competition
D. Having a meet with Anton and Ikbal

7. The word “competition” has the same
meaning as…..
A. games
B. contest
C. concert
D. show.

Text for no 8-9

To : The Curriculum Staf
From : The headmaster
Date : May 19, 2008
Inform to all teachers that we will have a meeting on June 15, 2009 at 12.15 pm.
Mr. Andrew

8. The suitable reply of the message is …

A. To : Mr. andrew
From : the Curriculum Staff
Date : May 20
OK. I will have a meeting on
June 15, 2009

The Curriculum Staff

B. To : Mr. andrew
From : the Curriculum Staff
Date : May 20
OK. I understand, I will inform it
to other teachers

The Curriculum Staff

C. To : Mr. andrew
From : the Curriculum Staff
Date : May 20
OK. I will inform it to other curriculum
The Curriculum Staff

D. To : Mr. Andrew
From : The Curriculum Staff
Date : May 20

OK. You will have a meeting on June 15, 2009.
The Curriculum Staff

9. When will the meeting be held?
A. In the morning
B. At noon
C. at night
D. in the evening

Text for no 10-12
Aida- 085643208576
20-april-2010. 3.15 p.m.

Hello, Manda. We missed you today. No calls, no sms, no information at all. None of us could answer when the teacher called the roll and asked about you. What’s up, friend? Reply soon, please.

10. We can conclude from the above text that…..
A. Aida was absent this morning
B. Manda was absent that day
C. Manda had a problem with the teacher.
D. Aida did not inform Manda why he is absent.

11. The sms was sent in the…
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Night

12. The word “soon” has same meaning as
A. Sure
B. Late
C. Immediately
D. Fast

Text for no 13-14

13. Where do we usually find this message?
A. On a computer.
B. On a cellular phone.
C. On a notice board.
D. On a billboard.

14. Why does the sender use “as many as possible”?
A. To train “ROGER BAND”
B. To introduce “ROGER BAND”
C. To support “ROGER BAND”.
D. To invite “ROGER BAND”.

16. How do the people send the message to be a
supporter of “ROGER BAND”?
A. by mail
B. by cellular phone
C. by e-mail
D. by letter

17. The word “It” refers to…..
A. hand-phone
D. phone number

Text for no 18-20
We are leaving for Surabaya at 6.00 a.m. Don’t forget to ask Parti to shop for daily needs today: a half kilo of eggs, a kilo of cabbages, three fourth kilo of potatoes, three ounces of bean-sprout, an ounce of meat, an one fourth kilo of carrots. Then ask her to make soup and omelet for lunch. I and your father will arrive home in the evening. So be careful and care yourself.

18. The most thing Parti should buy is…..
A. cabbages
B. potatoes
C. eggs
D. carrots

19. The word “we” in the text refers to….
A. Mom and your father
B. Mom and Wida
C. Mom and Parti
D. Mom and her husband

20. Which statement below is in-correct?
A. The sender of the message is wida’s
B. Parti is wida’s servant
C. Wida is the addressee of the meassage.
D. Wida’s parents leave for Surabaya in the

Text for no 21-23
Can you help me find ten students to be involved in IECS field trial that will be held two months later in Jakarta. I believe you know your students best, and you understand their level. It is a good opportunity for your school to improve your students’ skills so do the best! I’ll wait your info till tomorrow.

Maharani Utami
09.50 a.m.
01- 13, 2010

21. The receiver of the meassage is…….
A. a director of the program
B. ten students
C. Maharani Utami
D. a teacher

22. The word “opportunity” has the same meaning
A. change
B. chance
C. opposition
D. position

23. From the text we can conclude that…
A. The word “you” in line one refers to
D. The word “tomorrow” in the text refers
to 01-14, 2010
C. The word ”I” in the text refer to reader
D. The word “their” in the text refers to
reader and writer.

Text 10 for no 24-25
Hera, would you go home by the public transportation. You can get it along Jl. Deresan, in front of your school. I can’t pick you up. I have an urgent work with my patient. Your father is also very busy in his office. And Pak Manto, our driver is un-well today. Call me if there is a problem.
11.09 am.
04-20, 2010.

24. How does Hera usually go home from school?
A. On foot
B. By public transportation
C. Drive her car herself
D. Someone picks her up

25. From the text we can conclude that….
A. The sender of the text is Hera’s mother
B. Hera’s mother and father are doctors
C. The addresser of the text is my mother
D. Pak Manto is Hera’s father.


Text for no 1-4
To: editor

I want to say thank you that I received the amazing picture of my favorite singer in your magazine this edition, November, 2009. I was so surprised to get a package from the newspaper boy who sends it for me. I was impatient to open it. I’ll give the picture on the wall in my room. Ok, I’ll wait to the next edition

1. What did the writer get?
A. amazing favorite singer
B. a picture
C. magazine
D. newspaper

2. From the text we know that the writer is a/an…
A. editor
B. customer
C. journalist
D. reporter

3. The word “surprised” in the text means…..
A. amazed
B. afraid
C. worried
D. astonished
4. From the message above, we can conclude that
the writer expresses….
A. apology
B. gratitude
C. parting
D. pleasure

Text for no 5-7
Internal Memo
To : Clara
From : The marketing manager
Date : Oct, 4th 2009
Subject : Promotion letters

Write out the promotion letter for all new clients. Include the technical specifications and the amount of discounts for each item. The clients list is in the same folder as the previous ones. If you have difficulties, call me anytime.

5. Who wrote the memo?
A. Clara
B. Marketing Manager
C. Clients
D. Secretary

6. The opposite meaning of the word ”include” in
the text is….
A. accompanied by
B. unless
C. exclude
D. together with

7. Which of the followings is not true based on the
above memo?
A. The manager and the client will discuss
the discount
B. Clara is a secretary of the company
C. The lists of the clients are in the
computer’s file
D. The letter includes specifications and

Text for no 8-10
Hi, Sandro, This is Kevin your pen-pall. I am at Adisucipto airport. I’ve just arrived half hour ago. I am having trouble in finding a hotel. Can you help me? I’ll stay here for a few days so could you find me a nice hotel with reasonable price? Can you come here? Thanks..

8. From the text we can get the information that…
A. Sandro lives in Jogjakarta
B. Kevin lives in Jogjakarta
C. Sandro and Kevin are brothers
D. Sandro and Kevin are relatives

9. “I’ll stay here for a few days”. The word “here”
in the sentences refers to…
A. in the airport
B. in the hotel
C. in Jogjakarta
D. in Adisucipto

10. What did he write a message to his friend for?
He wrote the message for….
A. offering help
B. offering a nice hotel
C. asking help
D. asking an expensive hotel

Text for no 11-14

This is a short message and its reply. Read and answer the questions below.

Arfian, I’ll tell you something. I have an idea. What do you think if we take an English course the next semester? If you agree with me, I’ll order the seat for us. Because there are limited seat for participants. Please reply me. I’ll look forward to it.

Ghea, I have made up my mind. I agree to take the English course with you. It’s really good idea. And thanks for ordering the seat for me.

11. What does Ghea ask to Arfian?
A. Ghea herself wants to take a course
B. Ghea asks Arfian to join computer
C. Ghea asks Arfian to take a course with
D. Ghea wants to tell the English course

12. Arfian is Ghea’s…
A. brother
B. close friend
C. sibling
D. twins

13. Which statement is true based on the text?
A. Arfian disagree with Ghea
B. Ardian refuses to take a course
C. Arfian accepts Ghea’s invitatation
D. Arfian can’t join a course with Ghea

14. The word “order” in the text above has the
similar meaning to…
A. arrange
B. book
C. keep
D. look for

Text for no 15-18

Read the message and it’s reply

Farah, R U free now? If U R, would you accompany me to the stationary? I’ll look for a new English Book.
How does it sound?

Meta, I am very sorry. I have to accompany my sister to check up in a hospital. She has been un-well since two days.
Maybe some other time.

15. What does the text tell us about?
A. Farah wants Meta to accompany her to
the stationary
B. Meta wants Farah to accompany her to
the bookstore
C. Farah wants to go to the stationary alone
D. Meta wants to look for the English book
in the stationary.

16. Why does Farah disagree with Meta?
A. She has no time
B. She is very busy that day
C. She must check up her condition to
D. She has to accompany her sister

17. “Meta, I am sorry”.
The sentence above expresses…
A. apology
B. gratitude
C. sympathy
D. repetition

18. The word “un-well” in the text above has the opposite meaning as….
A. healthy
B. sick
C. tired
D. sleepy

Text for no 19-22
From : feriana@jkt.net
For : Kartini@jogja.net
Date : Sunday Feb.13th 2010
Subject : Music
Hello, Kartini. I have a hobby related to music. I like many kinds of music, such as hip-hop, country music, pop music. But I like jazz music best. If you want to exchange music information, songs and also favorite singers, please e-mail me. I have many musical CDs of singers from Britain, Japanese, and others. Thanks.

19. How many kinds of music are mentioned in the
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

20. The sender of the message lives in….
A. Jakarta
B. Jogjakarta
C. Britain
D. Japanese

21. Who loves jazz music best?
A. Kartini
B. Feriana
C. Singers
D. readers

Text for no 22-23
Marina, Bonita (your old friend) called, she asked you to fetch her in “Tugu Station” Jogjakarta at 07.15 tomorrow evening.

Dara 081578897685
Friday 08.30 am

22. Who wrote the message?
A. Dara’s friend
C. Bonita
B. Your friend
D. Marina’s friend
23. When will Marina pick her friend up?
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. in the morning
D. at 7.15 am.

Text for no 24-25

Rekyan, Ardy called.
Teguh is having a party on the New Years Eve. Would you like to go with him ?

24.The most appropriate reply for the memo is
A. Dear Ardy,
Would you please say to mom I can’t go with her.

B. Dearest Mom,
Thanks but let me call Ardy by my self to talk about this.See you

C. Teguh,
Would you ask Ardy to inform about the meeting to my mother?
Thanks, Rekyan

D. Mom, Sorry tell Teguh to pick me up
before 07.00 tomorrow.


25. Who is Rekyan?
A. He is Mother’s brother
B. He is Mother’s son
C. He is Mom’s nephew
D. He is Mom’s husband


Text for no 1-4
The day before yesterday I was waiting for the city bus goes to Malioboro and it didn’t come for over an hour. This is the second time it’s happened to me. Another thing, the bus drivers are rude these days. They don’t wait for the people to sit down before they start the bus. What does the company have to say about this?

1. What does the writer complain about?
A. The company
B. Malioboro
C. the driver
D. city bus

2. Which statement is true based on the text?
A. The writer took the city bus only
B. The writer has had a problem with
city bus for twice.
C. The writer was very satisfied with
the city bus
D. The writer was very angry with the

3. From the text we know that the writer is…
A. a pedestrian
B. a passenger
C. a driver
D. the director of the company

4. The word “It’s” in the text refers to….
A. the late of the driver
B. the late of the company
C. the late of the transportation
D. the late of the passengers

Text for no 5-7
Dear my sister, Hanny.
Mr. Ananta from Jogja International School called you. He would like to see you today at 2 pm. He asked me to tell you to go to his office and bring your teaching file.

5. According to the memo, who made a call?
A. Arga
B. Mr. Ananta
C. Arga’s sister
D. Staff of Jogja International School
6. The word “his” in the text refers to…
A. Arga
B. Mr. ananta
C. My sister, Hanny
D. Arga’s sister

7. When must Hanny go to the office?
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. at night

Text for no 8-9

Sonnie Erikson
We are having a history quiz tomorrow
during class. Mr. Budi asked us to read
chapter five to ten of our textbook.
I hope you are well enough to attend
school tomorrow

8. The following statements are TRUE
according the text, except ...
A. The sms is sent for Andita
B. The sms is written by Andita
C. Andita will have a history quiz
D. Andita sent the message to one of
his classmates

9. The word “us” in the text refers to…
A. Andita
B. Andita and sender
C. Andita and reader
D. Andita and friends

Text for no 10-12

Wiwik, please come to school tomorrow afternoon at 2. Be on time.We’ll make our wall magazine. Take your short story, cartoons. Recipe, science articles and poetry with you.


10. Which is not Wulan’s message to wiwik?
A. to come to school tomorrow
B. to make wall magazine at home
C. to take short story to school
D. to take the poetry to school
11. Which statement is true based on the text?
A. Wiwik asks Wulandari to go to
B. wiwik is the receiver of the
C. wiwik are not suggested to come to
school on time
D. Wiwik is Wulan’s sister

12. The word “our wall magazine” in the text
refers to the magazine that belong to
A. Wulan and the receiver
B. Wulan and the sender
C. the reader and the writer
D. Wulan and her sister

Text for no 13-15
Dear Editor,
I really appreciate to your effort in trying to present the hottest issue, the global warming. However, to make it balance, it is better also to show the personal effort to minimize it. I will be waiting for the next edition.
Warm regard

13. What is the hottest issue ?
A. next edition
B. personal effort
C. warm regard
D. global warming

14. Who is Johan ?
A. editor
B. supplier
C. reader
D. Customer

15. The word “appreciate” has the same
meaning as…
A. associate
B. praise
C. receive
D. enjoy

Text for no 16-17
Phone Message
To : Peter
From : Randy
Come to Ryan’s house at 6-30 pm to
do the English assignments with Ratih

16.……. Made a phone call.
A. Peter
B. Ratih
C. Randy
D. Benny

17. The writer of the memo is….
A. Peter
B. Ratih
C. Randy
D. Benny

Text for no 18-19
Welcome to the best free hosting provider 000webhost.com, your access code is 1004

Sent : 08:29:42 PM 08-02-08

18. The message was sent to the …
A. host
B. provider
C. customer
D. community

19. The message is sent…..
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. in the night

Text for no 20-22
To : Dinda
From : The Director
Subject: Promotion letters.
Type promotion letter for our new clients. Include the technical specifications and the amount of discounts for each item. Any difficulties, call me after meeting. The client list is in the same folder as the previous ones.
Miss. Rina
20. The message is from…
A. Miss Rina
B. The director
C. Dinda
D. the client

21. From the text we know that….
A. Miss Rina asked Dinda to write
promotion letters for the clients
B. The director asked Miss. Rina to
write the message to Dinda
C. The clients asked the promotion
letters from the company
D. Dinda asked the clients to write the
promotion letters

22. The word “our” means…..
A. the director and Miss Rina
B. the director and Dinda
C. the director and the company
D. the director and all staffs of the

Text for no 23-25
Galuh, don't be pessimistic.
You can learn much from the incident.
You are not alone. I'll always be your friend.
Cindy +6285643150607

23."....don't be pessimistic."
The underlined word has similar to ..
A. happy
B. optimistic
C. fed up
D. hopeless

24."You may learn much from the incident."
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. take
B. watch
C. study
D. observe

25. The sender of the message is….
A. Galuh
B. Cindy
C. reader
D. writer

D. Paket 5

Text for no 1-3
Dear children,
So sorry, there is a meeting at 1 p.m. Buy the side dishes in the usual place.

1. What does the message mean?
The children should …
A. go to the usual place to buy the
side dish
B. go to attend the meeting at 1
C. make side dish for lunch
D. prepare side dish for lunch
2. Side dish is …
A. something to serve in the meeting
B. something as the staple food
C. something to eat with rice
D. something to cook

3. The message is sent…..
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon.
C. in the evening
D. in the night.

Text for no 4-6
NOTICE BOARD Sept 29th 2009

Due to the next Ceremony on Monday October 1th 2009, the students of class VIII A are recommended to prepare it. The theme of the Ceremony is about “Kesaktian Pancasila”. The OSIS will help them practice them who have the Ceremony in Charge.

4. When did the writer write the
A. On Monday
B. First October 2009
C. On Saturday
D. September 1st 2009
5. The word “it” in the text refers to…..
A. the class
B. the students
C. the ceremony
D. the theme

6. The similar meaning of the word
“recommended” is…..
A. recorded
B. advised
C. prohibited
D. ordered

Text for no 7-9
Rio, I’ll come late for the OSIS meeting today. I have to do my assignment with my classmate in a library until 3 pm. So, I can attend the meeting after that. Sorry…

7. When will Farah come to the OSIS
A. At 3 pm
B. In the afternoon
C. Before doing the assignment.
D. After OSIS meeting

8. From the text above we know that Rio
and Farah are…
A. classmate
B. schoolmate
C. sibling
D. twins

9. The word “that” in the text refers to…..
A. OSIS meeting
B. doing assignment
C. the meeting
D. assignment

Text for no 10-12
A little renovation is done in the Gym. There will be no exercises this week. We will let you know when the club will meet again next week. Or you can contact me (0876876548) / the instructor (0876543765).

Mrs. Fiana
10. The message is about…..
A. cancelling of the English course
B. delaying of the instructor meeting
C. changing the schedule of the gym
D. announcing new schedule

11. The word “me” in the text refers to….
A. instructor
B. committee
C. student
D. teacher

12. From the text we can infer that….
A. There is no meeting next week.
B. for information, we can call the
instructor only.
C.To get a new schedule, you can
call the club member
D. We can call both committee and
instructor for confirmation.

Text for no 13-16
3rd Oct 2009
3. 12 pm

Kiki, this is my new number. My hand-phone was lost yesterday, completed with my previous number (0867567890). So you can’t contact it.

13. The receiver of the message is….
A. Nia
B. Kiki
C. hand-phone
D. the number

14. The writer wrote the text to…..
A. inform the previous number
B. give information of the new
C. announce the old number
D. look for the lost number

15. The word “it” in the text refers to…..
A. Kiki
B. hand-phone
C. new number
D. old number

16. Which is the correct statement below?
A. The number of 0857876567 is not
working now
B. The number of 0867567890 is not
active anymore
C. The new number was lost
D. There is no new number to
contact to.

Text for no 17-20
To: Manda (OSIS chairman)

Due to the disaster in Padang Pariaman West Sumatra, please tell to all students from class VII to class IX are suggested to give a voluntary contribution from their fund to be sent to the victims there. The boxes are available in three places, in an office room, in a teacher room and in OSIS room. Students can fill them with their part of the money they have.

Mr. Gunawan
(Curriculum staff)

17. From the text we know that….
A. Mr Gunawan is a headmaster
B. Manda is a student
C. the announcement is informed to
OSIS members
D. we can find the boxes in the
office room only.

18. The purpose of the message is to…..
A. announce the disaster in Padang
B. inform the victims in West
C. ask for voluntary contribution
D. offer the fund from the students

19. The word “them” refers to…..
A. victims
B. boxes
C. places
D. students

20. The same meaning of the word
“victims” in the text is…..
A. casualties
B. volunteer
C. tolls
D. armies

Text for no 21-23
This is Diana.
I have a flat tire now on Jln. Juanda, in front of “MAGA Supermarket”. Could you pick me up? The mechanic is still fixing my motorcycle. I am in a hurry, because I have to take a computer course at school. I am afraid my teacher will be angry with me.Thanks, Hadi.

21. The function of the text is…
A. to offer some help
B. to give a confirmation
C. to ask for help
D. to announce a flat tire

22. The addressee of the message is…
A. Diana
B. Hadi
C. mechanic
D. teacher

23. The similar meaning of the word “angry” is…..
A. hungry
B. curious
C. furious
D. surprised

Text for no 24-25

Dr. Hastama
( Pediatrician)

Open daily except Holiday and Sunday
Monday - Wednesday 5 -8 pm
Thursday – Saturday 7-9 pm

24. Who can be treated by Mr. Hastama?
A. Adults
B. Old people
C. Kids
D. Pregnant women

25. How long does it open on Tuesday?
A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 5 hours
D. 7 hours

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